• Phone : 718-702-3933
  • Address : 1401 86th Street Brooklyn, NY 112288


Funerals are an opportunity for families and friends to come together and comfort each other. Our venue facilities can be used for related services, whether it is Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, we can provide professional advice to help you make a decision. Based on your needs, budget and personal preferences, we will choose the one that best suits your requirements. Our services have endless possibilities, such as blending traditional ceremonies, music, photos, videos and literature to find the most appropriate way to mourn your loved one and remember life of your loved one.


要面對失去所愛之人,辦理喪禮不是一件容易的事,因此一個專業可靠的服務團隊將會成為家人在喪葬儀式過程中所必不可缺的重要一部分。一場葬禮儀式正是為那些痛失至親的家屬提供一個與所愛之人告別的環境,使每一位家人得以與所有親友可以相互慰籍、分擔悲痛,讓所有人得以聚集在一起向所愛之人做最後的道別, 繼而走上撫平傷痛的旅途。

Memorial service

It is not an easy task to handle the funeral when facing the loss of a loved one. A professional and reliable service team will become an indispensable part of the family in the funeral process. A memorial service is to provide an environment for the bereaved family members and all relatives and friends to comfort and support each other. Everyone can gather together to say last goodbye to their loved ones then embarked on a journey to heal the pain.



Final Resting

Once you have made a choice about how your loved one’s body should be settled, we will support you and help you make the choice that best suits you and your family. If you choose a burial, our team will assist you in choosing a fine cemetery and a plot. If cremation is selected, our team will assist you in choosing a columbarium and then choose a personalized urn.